Monday, 28 November 2011

Uniondale Launch, Tuesday 22nd November 2011

We all waited in anticipation for the Uniondale launch of die oervlakte book. The event took place in the Jewish Synagogue which is run by The Lions, who kindly allowed us to use the venue.

This building was completed in 1906 and it was important to have the launch here as it is one of the historic buildings of the town that features in the book. We were all delighted when our guest list topped 75 people! We started the talk by Dr Chris Lee on Iconic Landscapes a bit later to accommodate the farmers who find it very difficult to get anywhere by 6 o’clock and are proud of the fact that we were the only town that had farmers attending the launch, not just one or two, but a good representation. A good evening was had by all and the last launch was truly a successful event.
Dr. Chris Lee talking on Iconic Landscapes

die oervlakte team had all worked hard and given generously of their time and expertise, travelling to three different venues on three different occasions to launch this book, with oervlakte stones, equipment and at times an overnight bag to sleep over to avoid kudus on the road on the way home in the dark.

Cheese and wine before the talk

I was pleased to speak to a geologist from the Wilderness area this morning who was testing out the geological route to take out tours and hopefully as more people explore the routes it will have a positive effect on die oervlakte, this magical ancient African Surface!

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